21 August 2018
       Today is holiday here in Pangasinan. So, we decided to go to the market with our students buddy. We have 4 buddy, they are Suzzepe, Myla, Fe, and Loren. They are so kind, lovely and funny. We are so happy with them.
       We go to the traditional market by a local transportation called Trycicle. It just 10 pesos per person. The tricycle (trike) is a three-wheeled, gasoline-run motorized vehicle. It is made up of a motorcycle attached to a sidecar with multiple seating and a covered roof. The roof is often used as baggage compartment, and the back is often extended to serve the same purpose. 
       The market here almost the same like the market in Indonesia. We buy vegetables, umbrella, and so many things there. I'm so happy that finally I can go to the market because I feel like I really need some vegetables and fruits. Our students buddy are always kind to us. They will ask what we need and then they will guide us to buy it. After we got all the things we need, we just go back to the dorm to get rest.


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